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Gender Equality

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Objectives of Estonia

One of the four sub-objectives of the Welfare Development Plan 2016–2023 of Estonia is the equal rights, obligations, opportunities and responsibilities of men and women in all areas of society.

The general objectives of the Welfare Development Plan are:

  • a high employment level and long and high-quality working life; and
  • reduced social inequality and poverty, gender equality and greater social inclusion.

Its sub-objectives are:

  1. matching labour supply and demand, which ensures a high level of employment, and high-quality working conditions that support long-term employment
  2. improvement of people’s economic welfare as a result of active, adequate and sustainable social protection
  3. improvement of people’s ability to cope independently, live in the community and participate in society as a result of effective legal protection and high-quality support
  4. for women and men to have equal rights, obligations, opportunities and responsibilities in all areas of society

The fourth sub-objective focuses on the special measures for the promotion of gender equality, which include, among other things, actions that support the implementation of gender mainstreaming. In order to reduce gender inequality, prevent its recurrence and achieve gender equality in various areas of life, gender equality objectives have been defined for 2016–2023. These are:

  • reducing gender stereotypes that cause gender inequality and their negative impact;
  • reducing gender segregation in education and the labour market;
  • supporting the economic independence of men and women, including reducing the gender pay gap;
  • achieving gender balance at decision-making levels of society;
  • strengthening the protection of rights and ensuring the institutional capacity, including analytical and administrative capacity, for the promotion of gender equality;

The policy instruments planned to achieve the sub-objectives primarily include legislative, outreach, training and analytical actions. The actions are aimed at the general public as well as specific target groups and institutions, including employers, educators, legal specialists and policymakers.

The Welfare Development Plan will be implemented based on so-called rolling four-year programmes.

Read the full text of the Welfare Development Plan here.