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Gender Equality

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Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

The Government of the Republic Act defines the areas of government of ministries, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications is responsible for the promotion of equal treatment and the promotion of the equality of men and women as well as coordination of activities in this field and the preparation of respective draft legislation. Among other things, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications develops sectoral development plans, draft acts and coordinates work in this field.

In addition to the above, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications has the following duties under § 22 of the Gender Equality Act. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications:

 1) provides consultations on matters related to implementation of the principle of equal treatment and issues guidelines for the implementation of this Act;

 2) analyses the effect of Acts and legislation on the situation of men and women in society;

 3) publishes reports on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment of men and women.

The department of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications responsible for gender equality is the department of equality policies. According to the Statutes of the Ministry of Econimic Affairs and Communications, the department of equality policies is responsible for the planning and coordination of equal treatment, gender equality and socio-economic well-being policies. The department has a leading role in the promotion of gender equality and equal treatment and coordination of mainstreaming, as well as the implementation of measures to prevent and alleviate inequality, poverty, discrimination and exclusion.

Website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications