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Gender Equality

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How to achieve gender equality?

Gender inequality is a social issue that needs to be resolved at the societal level. Achieving gender equality must not be confused with treating men and women the same way in every context – the actual situation of men and women must be taken into account. Gender-blind projects, programmes, policies and stances do not take into account the different roles and needs of men and women. Therefore, they maintain the status quo and do not change the unequal structure of gender relations.

Achieving gender equality requires:

  • in-depth analysis of gender inequality in society and its causes;
  • reduction of gender gaps and the implementation of appropriate measures to eliminate inequalities between men and women;
  • the creation of truly equal opportunities for men and women in all areas of society. Both genders must have equal opportunities to influence political, economic and other decisions that determine society; and
  • ensuring equal treatment of men and women by prohibiting discrimination and providing effective legal protection to people who have experienced it.

In order to take all people into account, gender equality should be promoted on the basis of the intersectional approach. The intersectional approach is an analytical tool used to explore, understand and respond to the ways in which gender intersects with other characteristics, traits or identities and how their intersection puts people at a disadvantage or advantage. The concept of intersectionality questions the simplistic division of gender into male and female, which does not take into account nationality, class, age or other categories.

The intersection of personal traits should be taken into account, for example, in cases of sexual harassment, as in addition to gender, the victim’s age, marital status and sexual orientation often play a role as well.